Persuasion was program.
Now it is conversation.
Profile conversations in progress using segmentation.
Craft messages in the voices of trusted sources using deep learning.
- Our hearts go out to the victims of the horrific attack in #Manchester & their families - we must stand united to defeat terrorism
- Must-read by my friend @JoeLieberman in @WSJ: "HillaryCare Lessons for Today"
- What Obamacare needs is #FullRepeal & real reforms to make health care personal portable & affordable
- FBI: Clinton Email Contained Highly Classified Info When Sent
Language models dumb down messages in smart ways.
TedBot: Threats, violence, and self-promotion
- we have a proven record of fighting for liberty
- this november is coming in our money bomb
- obama and a texas military and priorities for a proven leader
JohnBot: US' role in the world and US military
- syria policy is definition of doing same and as hands and other iraqi air base positive
- vlad has the opportunity to use a nuclear weapon on a basic challenge to our country
Even more striking when they "talk" about the same thing
- war: Ted protects; John prepares
- Ted: war on texas
- John: war games
- change: Ted threatens; John promotes
- Ted: change is coming but there is hope for a fullrepeal
- John: change in culture that we need strategy to defeat russia
- we: Ted buzzwords; John raises institutions
- Ted: we need to protect the constitutional rights of our constitution
- John: we need a select cmte investigation
Instead of winner-takes-all A/B, adapt using optimization
The Ask